J Heslop*, S Chandra, W Sobczak, SP Davydov, AI Davydova, Valentin V. Spektor, and KM Walter Anthony. In review. Experimental incubations of Holocene and Pleistocene permafrost soil leachates indicate variable respiration rates. Polar Research. |
Inouye R, R Gholz, M Kane, S Chandra, and L Deegan. 2013. Coreview of proposals in the Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation. Bulletin: Ecological Society of America. 94: 164-169. |
Caires A, S Chandra, B Hayford, and M Wittmann. 2013. Four decades of change: strong declines in the zoobenthos and plant community in a large lake. Freshwater Sciences. 32(3): 692-705. <PDF> |
Ngai KL, BJ Shuter, DA Jackson, and S Chandra. 2013. Projecting impacts of climate change on surface water temperatures of a large subalpine lake: Lake Tahoe, USA. Climate change. 118(4): 841-855. |
Brett M, G Arhonditis, S Chandra, and M Kainz. 2012. Mass flux calculations show strong allochthonous support of freshwater zooplankton production is not likely. PLoS ONE. 7(6): e39508. |
Caires A and S Chandra. 2012. Conversion factors as determined by relative macroinvertebrate sampling efficiencies of four common benthic grab samplers. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 27(1): 97-109. |
Mann K, Kate Berry, S Chandra, and S Bassett. 2012. Voting on Floodplain Conservation: The role of public values and interactions along the Carson River, Nevada. Society and Natural Resources. 0:1-18. |
Wittmann ME, Reuter JE, Chandra S, Schladow SG, Allen BC. 2012. The control of an invasive bivalve, Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) using gas impermeable benthic barriers in a large natural lake. Environmental Management. 49:1163-1173. |
Glass J, R Axler, S Chandra, CR Goldman. 2012. Molybdenum limitation of microbial nitrogen assimilation in aquatic ecosystems and pure cultures. Frontiers in Microbial Ecology. 3(331): 1-10. |
Wittmann M, S Chandra, J Reuter, G Schladow, and M Denton*. 2012. Harvesting an invasive bivalve in a large natural lake: Species recovery and impacts to native benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in Lake Tahoe, USA. Aquatic Conservation: Marin and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2251. |
Denton ME, S Chandra, ME Wittmann*, J Reuter, and J.G. Baguley. 2012. Reproduction and population structure of Corbicula fluminea in an oligotrophic, subalpine lake. Journal of Shellfish Research. 31(1): 145-152. |
Rauw WM, MB Teglas, S Chandra, and ML Forister. 2012. Growth, root formation and nutrient value of Triticale plants fertilized with biosolids. The Scientific World Journal. Epub. |
Kolosovich A, S Chandra, L Saito, C Davis*, and L Atwell. 2012. Short-term survival and potential grazing effects of the New Zealand mudsnail in an uninvaded Western Great Basin watershed. Aquatic invasions. 7(2): 203-209. |
Vander Zanden M, Y Vadeboncoeur, and S Chandra. 2011. Fish reliance on littoral-benthic resources and the distribution of primary production in lakes. Ecosystems. 894-903. |
Jannusch C. S Chandra, and W Trowbridge. 2011. Meadow–stream process and aquatic invertebrate community structure. In: Geomorphology, hydrology and ecology of Great Basin meadow complexes- Implications for management and restoration. USDA Government Technical Report. RMRS-GTR-258 (eds. Chambers and Miller). |
Umek J, S Chandra, M Rosen, M Wittmann, J Sullivan, and E Orsak. 2010. Importance of benthic production to fish populations in Lake Mead. Lake and Reservoir Management. 4: 293-305. |
Wittmann M, S Chandra, M Denton, A Caires, et al. 2010. Early invasion population structure of quagga mussel and associated benthic invertebrate community composition on soft sediment in a large reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management. 4: 316-327. |
Gilroy D, OP Jensen, BC Allen, S Chandra, B. Ganzorig, Z Hogan, JT Maxted, and MJ Vander Zanden. 2010. Home range and seasonal movement of taimen, Hucho taimen, Mongolia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 19: 545-554. |
Chandra, S, L Atwell, and D Mosely. 2010. The food web structure of a large, deep saline lake. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie. |
Shanafield M, M Rosen, L Saito, S Chandra, J Lamers, B Nishonov. 2010. Identification of nitrogen sources to four small lakes in the agricultural region of Khorezm, Uzbekistan 2006-2008. Biogeochemistry. 101: 357-368. |
Manley P, D Murphy, S Bigelow, S Chandra, and L Crampton. 2010. Chapter 6. Ecology and Biodiversity. In: An integrated science plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin. U.S. Forest Service. South Lake Tahoe, California. |
Chandra S, L Atwell, and D Mosely. 2010. The food web structure of a large, deep saline lake. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung for theoretische und angewandte Limnologie.
Jensen OP, D Gilroy, Z Hogan, BC Allen, TR Hrabik, BC Weidel, S Chandra, and MJ Vander Zanden. 2009. Evaluating recreational fisheries for an endangered species: a case study of taimen. Hucho taimen in Mongolia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. |
Umek J, S Chandra, and J Brownstein. 2009. Limnology and food web structure of a large terminal lake ecosystem, Walker Lake (Nevada). In: A. Oren, D. Naftz, P. Palacios and W.A. Wurtsbaugh (eds). Saline Lakes Around the World: Unique Systems with Unique Values. Natural Resources and Environmental Issues, volume XV. S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, Logan, Utah, USA.
Saito L, M Walker, WW Miller, S Tyler, and S Chandra. 2009. Ecohydrology as an undergraduate degree: Challenges in developing an interdisciplinary major. Journal of College Science Teaching 38(4): 24-29.
Kamerath M*, S Chandra, and BC Allen. 2008. Distribution and impacts of warm water invasive fish in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA. Aquatic Invasions (1)3: 35-41.
Mercado-Silva N, D Gilroy, M Erdenebat, Z Hogan, S Chandra, and MJ Vander Zanden. 2008. Fish community composition and habitat use in the Eg-Uur River system, Mongolia. Journal of the Mongolia Biological Sciences. |
Kamerath M*, S Chandra, and BC Allen. 2008. First documentation of Salmincola californiensis in Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA. Western North American Naturalist 69(2): 257-259.
Chandra S, M Kamerath, C Ngai, and BC Allen. 2008. The warmwater fish invaders of Lake Tahoe. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung for theoretische und angewandte Limnologie. |
Chandra S and A. Gerhardt. 2008. Invasive species in aquatic ecosystems: issue of global concern. Aquatic Invasions (1)3: 1-2.
Saito L, MR Rosen, S Chandra, CH Fritsen, JA Arufe, and C Redd. 2008. Using semi-permeable membrane devices and stable nitrogen isotopes to detect anthropogenic influences on the Truckee River, USA. Environmental Engineering Science 25(4): 585-600.
Vander Zanden MJ, D Gilroy, B Allen, S Chandra, and Z Hogan. 2008. Opening dates for recreational Hucho taimen fisheries in Mongolia based on simulation of spawning dates. Ecological Applications 17(8): 2281-2289.
Saito L, C Redd, S Chandra, L Atwell, CH Fritsen, and MR Rosen. 2007. Quantifying food web interactions with simultaneous linear equations: Stable isotope models of the Truckee River, USA. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26(4): 642-662.
Vander Zanden MJ, LN Joppa, BC Allen, S Chandra, D Gilroy, Z Hogan, JT Maxted, and J Zhu. 2007. Modeling spawning dates of Hucho Taimen in Mongolia to establish fishery management zones. Ecological Application 17(8): 2281-2289. <PDF> |
Meckstroth A, K Miles, and S Chandra. 2006. Assessing diets of introduced predators using analysis of stable isotopes and stomach contents. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(7): 2387-2392.
Vander Zanden MJ, S Chandra, SK Park, Y Vandeboncouer, and CR Goldman. 2006. The relative efficiencies of benthic and pelagic trophic pathways in a subalpine lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(12): 2608-2620.
Stubblefield, AP, S Chandra, S Eagan, DTuvshinjargal, G Davaadorzh, D Gilroy, J Sampson, J Thorne, B Allen, and Z Hogan. 2005. Impacts of gold-mining and land use alterations on the water quality of central Mongolian rivers. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 1(4): 365-373.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, AC Heyvaert, BC Allen, and CR Goldman. 2005. The effects of cultural eutrophication on the coupling between pelagic primary producers and benthic consumers. Limnology and Oceanography 50(5): 1368-1376.
Chandra S and D Gilroy. 2005. The feeding behavior of fish from the upper Lake Baikal watershed of the Eroo River in Mongolia. Journal of Mongolian Biological Sciences 3(1): 39-45.
Park, SK, S Chandra, DC Moller-Navarra, & CR Goldman. 2004. Diel and vertical variability of seston food quality and quantity in a small subalpine lake: implications to the diel vertical migration of zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 26(12): 1489-1498.
Moller-Navarra, DC, MT Brett, SK Park, S Chandra, AP Ballantyne, E Zorita, and CR Goldman. 2004. Unsaturated fatty acid content in seston and tropho-dynamic coupling in lakes. Nature 427(1): 69-72.
Vander Zanden, MJ, S Chandra, BC Allen, JE Reuter, & CR Goldman. 2003. Historical food web structure and restoration of native aquatic communities in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada) basin. Ecosystems 6(3): 274-288.
Peer Reviewed Government Technical Reports
Manley P, D Murphy, S Bigelow, S Chandra, and L Crampton. In press. Chapter 6. Ecology and Biodiversity. In: An integrated science plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin. U.S. Forest Service. South Lake Tahoe, California.
Cobourn J, L Saito, J Brock, R Naranjo, R Susfalk, and S Chandra. 2008. Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Along the Truckee and Carson Rivers. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. Special Publication-08-23.
Agency Reviewed Reports
Heyvaert, A.C., Reuter, J.E., Chandra, S., Susfalk, R.B., Schaldow, S.G. Hackley, S.H. 2013. Lake Tahoe Nearshore Evaluation and Monitoring Framework. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. |
Caldwell TJ and S Chandra. 2013. Inventory of aquatic invasive species and water quality in lakes in the Lower Truckee River Region in 2012. Tahoe Regional Conservation District. |
Caldwell TJ, KL Ngai-Ryan, S Chandra. 2012. Marlette lake ecosystem study: Current status and documentation of limnological changes over time. Nevada Department of Wildlife. |
Chandra S. 2011. Signal crayfish in Lake Tahoe: History, ecology, and potential management. State of Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners in 2011 and California Assembly State Parks and Recreation Committee 2012. |
Caldwell TJ and S Chandra. 2012. Inventory of aquatic invasive species and water quality in lakes in the Lower Truckee River Region in 2011. Tahoe Regional Conservation District. |
Schladow G, F Bombardelli, K Reardon, P Moreno, S Hackley, F Rueda, A Hoyer, M Castro, M Acosta, M Anguita, A Heyvaert, R Susfalk, B Fitzgerald, and S Chandra. 2011. Predicting and managing changes in the nearshore. US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. |
Chandra S, C Ngai, J Umek, B Chaon, C Williamson, A Tucker, and J Oris, J. 2010. NICHES: Nearshore indicators for clarity, habitat and ecological sustainability. USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station & the Nevada Division of State Lands. |
Rammer G and S Chandra. 2010. Status of invasive species in the Truckee River watershed. Tahoe Resource Conservation District and the Truckee River Fund. |
Wittmann M, J Reuter, G Schladow, S Hackley, BC Allen, S Chandra, and A Caires. 2009. Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) of Lake Tahoe: Preliminary scientific findings in support of a management plan. Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Working Group. |
Chandra S, CKL Ngai, M Kamerath*, and BC Allen. 2009. The warmwater fishes of Lake Tahoe. Final report prepared for Nevada State Lands.
Hackley S, M Wittmann, J Reuter, G Schladow, BC Allen, S Chandra, and A Caires. 2008. Notes on visual observations of clams in Lake Tahoe and on the beaches along the South Shore, Zephyr Cove, Timber Cove Marina. Report prepared for the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Working Group.
Wittmann M, J Reuter, G Schladow, S Hackley, BC Allen, S Chandra, and A Caires. 2009. Asian clam (Corbiuicula fluminea) of Lake Tahoe: Preliminary scientific findings in support of a management plan. Prepared for the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Species Working Group and Executive Directors of Agencies within the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Chandra S, M Wittmann, A Caires, A Kolosovich, JE Reuter, G Schladow, and T Thayer. 2009. An experiment test of quagga mussel survival and reproductive status using Lake Tahoe water. Final report submitted to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Working Group.
Chandra S and M Wittmann. 2008. Risk assessment of dreissenid mussel invasion based on calcium concentrations from the waters of Lake Tahoe. Interim report prepared for the Lake Tahoe Invasive Species Working Group.
Chandra S, KLC Ngai, M Kamerath*, and BC Allen. 2008. The warmwater nonnative fishes of Lake Tahoe: status and issues of concern. Interim report to Nevada State Lands and the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Working Group.
Chandra S and BC Allen. 2006. Ecological change to the fishery and invertebrate community over time. Prepared for participants in the Lake Tahoe Science Symposium and the Annual Senatorial Federal Event.
Chandra S and BC Allen. 2006. Nearshore native and nonnative ecological interactions in Lake Tahoe. Prepared for participants in the Lake Tahoe Science Symposium and the Annual Senatorial Federal Event.
Chandra S, JE Reuter, and P Manley. 2006. Limnology of other limnetic ecosystems in the Lake Tahoe watershed. Prepared for participants in the Lake Tahoe Science Symposium and the Annual Senatorial Federal Event.
Allen BC, S Chandra, JE Reuter, and MJ Vander Zanden. 2006. Evaluation of the re-introduction of native Lahontan cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi, in Fallen Leaf Lake, California, and development of management strategies for recovery. Final report prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Chandra S, C Lawrence, and L Atwell. 2006. Long-term limnological analysis and food web energetics in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Final report prepared for the Paiute Tribe of Pyramid Lake Environmental Department.
Professional Papers Presented
Griffin C, K Frey, A Bunn, E Bulygina, S Chandra, S Davydov, M Holmes, J Schade, W Scobzak, V Spektor, K Walter-Anthony, and S Zimov. 2010. Modeling dissolved organic matter in Northeastern Siberian lakes and rivers using Landsat TM and ETM+ Satellite Imagery. National Science Foundation State of the Arctic Forum. Miami, Florida. |
Spektor V, E Bulygina, A Bunn, S Chandra, S Davydov, K Frey, M Holmes, J Schade, W Scobzak, and A Felina. 2010. On genesis of the Lower Kolyma yedoma based on new AMS 14C dates from Duvanny Yar. National Science Foundation State of the Arctic Forum. Miami, Florida. |
Hough M, K Frey, W Scobzak, A Bunn, E Bulgina, S Chandra, S Davydov, M Holmes, J Schade, V Spektor, K Walter-Anthony, and S Zimov. 2010. Potential impacts of permafrost degradation on carbon storage of peat soils in the Kolyma River basin, East Siberia. National Science Foundation State of the Arctic Forum. Miami, Florida. |
Drake T, E Seybold, J Schade, E Bulgina, A Bunn, S Chandra, M Holmes, K Frey, W Scobzak, V Spektor, K Walter-Anthony, K, and S Zimov. 2010. Transient storage, discharge, and nutrient uptake in streams of the Kolyma River basin. National Science Foundation State of the Arctic Forum. Miami, Florida. |
Ngai CKL, S Chandra, J Sullivan, J Umek. 2010. A contemporary evaluation of the nearshore native fishery in Lake Tahoe. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Rios D, S Chandra, and A Heyvaert. 2010. Annual pollutant loads for a small Lake Tahoe subwatershed. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Umek J, S Chandra, and A Caires. 2010. Crayfish distribution and abundance in Lake Tahoe, USA. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village. Nevada. |
Rios D, S Chandra, and A Heyvaert. 2010. Lake Tahoe stormwater basins: botanical surveys, comparisons, and a greenhouse trial. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Denton M, S Chandra, and M Wittmann. 2010. Life history strategies of the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, in Lake Tahoe. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Caires A, S Chandra, M Wittmann, and G Schladow. 2010. Long-term change in benthic invertebrate assemblages in Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Kamerath M, S Chandra, C Ngai, T Steissberg, and BC Allen. 2010. Predicting establishment and predation impact of non native largemouth bass in a large, sub-alpine, oligotrophic lake. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Chandra S, A Caires, L Atwell, M Wittmann, J Reuter, G Schladow, and T Thayer. 2010. Risk of invasion or really no problem? An experiment test of quagga mussel survival and reproductive status using Lake Tahoe water. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Umek J, P Lemons, and S Chandra. 2010. Survivorship of a dominant, predatory game fish in Lake Tahoe. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Wittmann M, S Chandra, and J Gardner. 2010. Asian clam invasion in Lake Tahoe: The ecology of an invasive bivalve in an oligotrophic lake. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Ngai C, S Chandra, and BC Allen. 2010. Where are they going? Movement of nonnative warmwater fishes in Lake Tahoe. 5th biennial Lake Tahoe Basin science conference, Tahoe Science Consortium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Hackley S, JE Reuter, BC Allen, G Schladow, and S Chandra. 2010. Periphyton biomass monitoring in the nearshore of oligotrophic Lake Tahoe, USA. Special Conference on Littoral Zone Processes in Lake Ecology. Hegne, Germany (Poster). |
Chandra S, C Ngai, M Kamerath, BC Allen, J Umek, and J Sullivan. 2010. Invasive warm water fish research in Lake Tahoe. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Interagency Annual Meeting. Sparks, Nevada. |
Sullivan J, S Chandra, L Saito,A Heyvaert, L Atwell, K Tisdale, and M Maples. 2010. Niche overlap and predation among native and non-native fishes in the Lower Truckee River, NV. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Interagency Annual Meeting. Sparks, Nevada. |
Chandra S. (Invited) 2010. Understanding of future climate scenarios in the Western United States and research in the Arctic. Sierra College evening lecture series. Auburn, California. |
Wittmann, M, S Chandra, JE Reuter, and G Schladow. 2010. The ecology and management of a littoral zone invasion: Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) in Lake Tahoe (CA-NV, USA). Conference on the Role of Littoral Zone Processes in Lake Ecology. Hegne, Germany. |
Chandra S, M Kamerath, C Ngai, T Steissberg, and BC Allen. 2010. Predicting establishment and predation impact of non native largemouth bass in a large, sub-alpine, oligotrophic lake. Conference on the Role of Littoral Zone Processes in Lake Ecology. Hegne, Germany. |
Holmes M, A Bunn, S Chandra, K Frey, J Schade, V Spektor, W Sobczak, K Walter, and S Zimov. 2009. Application of absorption spectrophotometry to study the seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in Arctic streams. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California. |
Holmes M, A Bunn A, S Chandra, K Frey, J Schade, V Spektor, W Sobczak, K Walter, and S Zimov. 2009. Bioavailability of organic matter in aquatic environments throughout Siberia’s Kolyma River watershed during summer baseflow. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California. |
Holmes M, A Bunn A, S Chandra, K Frey, J Schade, V Spektor, W Sobczak, K Walter, and S Zimov. 2009. The Polaris Project: Rising stars in the Arctic. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California. |
Denton M, S Chandra, M Wittmann. 2009. Fecundity of the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, in Lake Tahoe. University of Nevada’s Graduate program in Environmental Science Annual Showcase. Reno, Nevada. |
Eustis B, and S Chandra. 2009. Terrestrial-Aquatic Linkages: Nutrient availability and transport in a small watershed as a function of geology, soil, and ecosystem type. University of Nevada’s Graduate Program in Environmental Science Annual Showcase. Reno, Nevada. |
Chandra S, M Wittmann, M Denton, BC Allen, JE Reuter, G Schladow, A Caires, C Ngai, and J Umek. (Invited) 2009. Invasions in Lake Tahoe: Nearshore introductions, impacts, and policy developments. Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee. South Lake Tahoe, California. |
Chandra S, M Wittmann, M Denton, BC Allen, JE Reuter, G Schladow, A Caires, C Ngai, and J Umek. (Invited) 2009. Invasions in Lake Tahoe: Nearshore introductions, impacts, and policy developments. California Lake Management Society. Kings Beach, California. |
Kamerath M, S Chandra, C Ngai, and BC Allen, 2009. Prediction of future distribution and impacts from warmwater fishes in Lake Tahoe. California Lake Management Society. Kings Beach, California. |
Chandra S. 2009. A contemporary snapshot of the ecology of Walker Lake. International Terminus Lakes Symposium. Reno, Nevada. |
Chandra S. 2009. The tropho-dynamics of a large terminal ecosystem, Pyramid Lake. International Terminus Lakes Symposium. Reno, Nevada. |
Hogan Z, S Chandra, and BC Allen. 2009. Where are the big fish? Ecology and conservation of the world’s largest freshwater fish. American Fisheries Society. Nashville, Tennessee. |
Rios D, S Chandra, A Heyvaert, and J Etra. 2009. Lake Tahoe stormwater basins: botanical surveys, re-vegetation practices, and greenhouse trials. CABNR Main Station Farm. Reno, Nevada. |
Eustis B, S Chandra, S, W Miller, and D Johnson. 2009. Terrestrial-aquatic linkages: Nutrient availability and transport in a small watershed as a function of geology, soil, and ecosystem type. CABNR Main Station Farm. Reno, Nevada. |
Chandra S. (Invited) 2009. Faith based approaches in conservation: A lasting legacy or just a bunch of preaching. International Nobel Peace Prize Forum. St. Olaf College, Carleton, Minnesota. |
Holmes M, A Bunn, S Chandra, K Frey, W Sobczak, K Walter, and V Spector. (Invited) 2009. The Polaris project: Current research in Arctic ecosystem science. International Nobel Peace Prize Forum. St. Olaf College, Carleton, Minnesota. |
Chandra S and M Wittmann. 2009. Aquatic Invasive species in warming lake. Lake Tahoe Climate Change Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada. |
Kamerath M, S Chandra, C Ngai, C, and BC Allen. 2009. Prediction of future distribution and impacts from warmwater fishes in Lake Tahoe Nevada Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Reno, Nevada. |
Shanafield M, M Rosen, S Chandra, C Conrad, L Saito, and J Lamers. August 2009. Evaluation of the contribution of nitrogen to the contribution of several small lakes in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. Biogeomon conference. Helsinki, Porthania, Finland.
Umek J*, S Chandra, M Rosen, S Good bred, and E Orsak. January 2009. The Contemporary food web structure of two bays in Lake Mead. Lake Mead Science Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.
S Chandra, A Caires, M Rosen, and M Wittmann. January 2009. Lake Mead Zoobenthos: Changes in Composition, Distribution, and Composition over Time with Emphasis on the Ecology of Adult Quagga Mussel. Lake Mead Science Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Bunn A, S Chandra, K Frey, M Holmes, V Spector, W. Sobczak, and K Walter. (Invited panel) March 2009. The Polaris Project: Current research in Arctic ecosystem science. International Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Carlton, Minnesota. All authors contributed equally in the panel presentation.
Chandra S. (Invited speaker) March 2009. Faith based approaches in conservation: A lasting Legacy or just a bunch of preaching? International Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Carlton, Minnesota.
Chandra S and M Wittmann. March 2009. Aquatic invasive species in a warming lake. Lake Tahoe Climate Change Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada.
Chandra S and BC Allen. (Invited speaker) August 2008. Aquatic invasive species in Lake Tahoe: Previous impacts and the latest invaders. Annual Lake Tahoe Senatorial Federal Event. Camp Richardson, California.
Chandra S. October 2008. Final scientific findings to guide the conservation of taimen in Mongolia. Taimen Conservation scientific and policy conference and closing meeting. Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Umek J* and S Chandra. May 2008. Limnology and aquatic food web structure of a large terminal lake. International Salt Lakes Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kamerath M* and S Chandra. March 2008. Predicting bluegill invasion hot spots in the Lake Tahoe basin. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada.
Ngai KL, B Shuter, M Kamerath*, S Chandra, and BC Allen. March 2008. Where will bass go? The role of climate change in largemouth bass invasion in Lake Tahoe, Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada.
Ngai KL, B Shuter, M Kamerath*, S Chandra, and BC Allen. March 2008. Lake Tahoe in a warming world: The impact of habitat modification and climate change on nearshore water temperature regimes. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada.
Chandra S and Andy Rost. March 2008. Nutrients and clarity of subalpine lakes in the upper Lake Tahoe watershed during early summer. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada.
Chandra S, P Lemons, J Umek*, and BC Allen. March 2008. Ecology and population estimates of lake trout in Lake Tahoe. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada.
Shanafield M, L Saito, S Chandra, M Rosen, D Fayzieva, B Nishonov, and J Lamers. April 2007. Natural and anthropogenic effects of nutrient, salinity, and organic contaminant levels on the agriculturally influenced aquatic ecosystems in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. American Institute of Hydrology Conference. Rene, Nevada. (poster- 1st place student poster award for M. Shanafield)
Chandra S. (Invited panel) April 2007. Climate change impacts in the Sierra. Sierra Nevada Alliance and Conservancy. Nevada City, California.
Chandra S. (Invited plenary speaker) March 2007. Ecological changes in Lake Tahoe over time. California Fish & Game Heritage Wild Trout Programs Annual Development Meeting. Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences, Incline Village, Nevada.
Chandra S. (Invited panel) March 2007. Technical workshop on invasive species. The impacts of nonnative species, their impact and preventing future invaders. Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences. Incline Village, Nevada.
Chandra S. (Invited speaker) August 2007. Taimen Conservation Funds Conference on the conservation and management of Mongolian taimen. Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Chandra S, BC Allen, B, and MJ Vander Zanden. September 2007. An evaluation of the re-introduction of native Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) in Fallen Leaf Lake, California. American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, California.
Jensen O, D Gilroy, MJ Vander Zanden, S Chandra, T Hrabik, Z Hogan, BC Allen. September 2007. Managing the worlds largest salmonid: age, growth, natural mortality and population American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, California.
Kamerath M* and S Chandra. September 2007. Predicting bluegill invasion hot spots in the Lake Tahoe basin. American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, California.
Ngai C, S Chandra, M Kamerath*, and BC Allen. September 2007. Where will bass go? Assessing the role of climate change in largemouth bass distribution in Lake Tahoe. American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, California.
Chandra S and BC Allen. (Invited speaker for a session) August 2007. The impact of non-native species and cultural eutrophication on the Lake Tahoe food web. Ecological Society of America. San Jose, California.
Rost A, S Chandra, C Fritsen, and C Davis. August 2007. Community structure and trophic interactions in two contrasting Sierra streams. International Society of Limnology Congress. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, AC Heyvaert, S Park, J Van Tassel, and CR Goldman. August 2007. Community, food web, and ecosystem consequences of Mysis relicta invasion in Lake Tahoe. International Society of Limnology Congress. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Chandra S and M Kamerath*. August 2007. The new warmwater invaders of Lake Tahoe: Predicting their distribution and impacts. International Society of Limnology Congress. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Chandra S. August 2007. Understanding the tropho dynamics of a large terminal lake, Pyramid Lake (Nevada, USA). International Society of Limnology Congress. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Sullivan J* and S Chandra. September 2007. Restoration of Lahontan cutthroat trout in the lower Truckee River: the ecology of a reintroduced fish. American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, California.
Chandra S. (Invited speaker) May 2007. Ecological changes due to nonnative species introductions in Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe Invasive Species Workshop. Incline Village, Nevada.
Kolosovich A* and S Chandra. May 2007. Invasive potential of New Zealand mudsnails in the lower Truckee River and Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe Invasive Species Workshop. Incline Village, Nevada. Poster.
Rost A, C Davis, C Fritsen, and S Chandra. September 2007. Impacts of Didymosphenia geminata on community composition and trophic structure in two Eastern Sierra Nevada streams. Western conference of the American Fisheries Society. Missoula, Montana.
Jannusch C*, S Chandra, T Dudley, and J Chambers. February 2007. Aquatic macroinvertebrates for bioassessment of meadow stream condition and restoration in the Great Basin. Society for Range Management. Reno, Nevada.
Jannusch C*, S Chandra, T Dudley, and J Chambers. February 2007. Aquatic macroinvertebrates for bioassessment of meadow stream condition and restoration in the Great Basin. Nevada Water Resources Association. Reno, Nevada.
Sullivan J*, S Chandra, L Saito, and K Tisdale. January 2008. Restoring Cutthroat trout in the Lower Truckee River. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Interagency Meeting. Reno, Nevada.
Allen B and S Chandra. January 2007. Recovery potential of cutthroat trout in Fallen Leaf Lake, California. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Interagency Meeting. Reno, Nevada.
Sullivan J*, S Chandra, L Saito, and K Tisdale. January 2007. Cutthroat and nonnative trout in the Lower Truckee River. Nevada Water Resources Association. Reno, Nevada. Poster.
Kamerath M*, S Chandra, and BC Allen. February 2007. Distribution and impacts of warmwater invaders in Lake Tahoe. Nevada Water Resources Association. Reno, Nevada.
Kolosovich A*, S Chandra, and L Saito. February 2007. Invasive Potential of New Zealand mudsnails in the lower Truckee River and Lake Tahoe. Nevada Water Resources Association. Reno. Nevada. Poster.
Skiles* and S Chandra. February 2007. Evaluating stocking success in an urban lake. Nevada Water Resources Association. Reno, Nevada.
Chandra S. (Invited speaker) May 2007. Department of Water Resources- Water resources in California. Ecological changes in Lake Tahoe over time. Stanford Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, California.
Kolosovich A*, S Chandra, and L Saito. May 2007. Invasive potential of New Zealand mudsnails in the lower Truckee River and Lake Tahoe. Tahoe Invasive Species Workshop. Reno, Nevada. Poster.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, AC Heyvaert, BC Richards, BC Allen, and CR Goldman. March 2006. The effects of cultural eutrophication on the coupling between pelagic primary producers and benthic consumers in Lake Tahoe. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada. Poster.
Hogan Z, S Chandra. (Invited lecture) June 2006. Flyfishing for biodiversity: can recreations angling save the worlds largest salmon? Society for Conservation Biology. San Jose, California.
Chandra S, BC Allen, MJ Vander Zanden, L Atwell, and JE Reuter. March 2006. Evaluation of the Re-Introduction of Native Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in Fallen Leaf Lake (California) and Development of Management Strategies for Recovery. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada. Poster.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, BC Allen, J Van Tassell, C Levitan, and CR Goldman. March 2006. Community, food web, and ecosystem consequences of Mysis relicta introduction in Lake Tahoe. Tahoe Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada. Poster.
Chandra S, BC Allen, M Kamerath*, B Shuter, and C Ngai. March 2006. Controlling the proliferation of invasive warm water fish species in the Lake Tahoe basin. Science Symposium. Incline Village, Nevada Poster.
Jannusch C*, S Chandra, T Dudley, and J Chambers. May 2006. Benthic macroinvertebrate community response to biotic and anthropogenic geomorphic disturbance in sub-alpine Great Basin streams. North American Benthological Society. Anchorage, Alaska. Poster.
Saito L, CF Redd, MR Rosen, CH Fritsen, and S Chandra. June 2006. Stable isotope based food web models on the Truckee River, USA. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Chandra S, A Heyvaert, J Reuter, and Jim Thomas. (Invited Panel) September 2006. Western Medical Occupation Health and Safety Conference. Ecological change in Lake Tahoe over time. Panelists from University of Nevada- Reno, University of California- Davis, and the Desert Research Institute. Incline Village, Nevada. All authors contributed equally to the presentation during this panel.
Saito L, MR Rosen, CH Fritsen, CF Redd, and S Chandra. August 2005. Food web stable isotopes and organic contaminants in the Truckee River, Nevada, USA. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec.
Henery R, S Chandra, and CR Goldman. June 2005. Essential fatty acid accumulation in rainbow trout: impacts of benthic versus pelagic rearing. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Santiago del Campostela, Spain.
Chandra S. (Invited speaker) April 2005. Invasive species impacts in Lake Tahoe over time. Symposium on Invasive Species: their Ecological Impacts and Alternatives for Control. Associated Society of Testing Materials. Reno, Nevada.
Saito L, C Redd, CH Fritsen, and S Chandra. March 2005. Truckee River food web analysis using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Annual Truckee River Symposium, Nevada Water Resources Association. Reno, Nevada.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, AC Heyvaert, BC Richards, BC Allen, and CR Goldman. February 2005. The effects of cultural eutrophication on lake benthos energetics. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Chandra S, BC Allen, MJ Vander Zanden, and JE Reuter. August 2005. Restoring Lahontan cutthroat trout in the Lake Tahoe basin: a case study from Fallen Leaf Lake. Lake Tahoe Federal Management and Science Forum. Poster. Tahoe City, California.
Chandra S, D Gilroy, M Erdenebat, BC Allen, and MJ Vander Zanden. June 2004. The impacts of gold mining on Central Mongolian Rivers. The Science for Watershed Conservation Conference. Ulan-Ude, Russia.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, BC Allen, BC Richards, JE Reuter and CR Goldman. (Invited speaker) August 2003. Cultural eutrophication and invasive species impacts on food web energetics in Lake Tahoe. Entomological Society of America. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Chandra S. April 2002. The effects of cultural eutrophication on lake benthos energetics. International Conference on Stable Isotopes in Ecology Flagstaff, Arizona.
Chandra, S. October 2002. Food webs from the past, restoration targets for the future: using stable isotopes to determine the historical food web structure of lakes. American Fisheries Society, Northern California Chapter. Tahoe City, California. (2nd place student oral presentation award).
Chandra, S and MJ Vander Zanden. October 2002. Food webs from the past, restoration targets for the future: using stable isotopes to determine the historical food web structure of lakes. North American Lake Management Society. Madison, Wisconsin.
Muller-Navarra D, S Chandra, and AM Liston. February 2002. Trophodynamic relationships in Lake Tahoe: Do fatty acids give new insights? American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Poster.
Chandra S, MJ Vander Zanden, BC Allen, BC Richards, JE Reuter, and CR Goldman. February 2001. The impact of introduced species & biogeochemical cycling shifts in ecosystems: a stable isotope analysis of Lake Tahoe fish during the last 110 years. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Poster. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Chandra S, DC Muller-Navara, MT Brett, and SK Park. February 1999. A summer comparison of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from different algal lake systems. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Sante Fe, New Mexico. Poster.
Chandra S. November 1999. Do polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) play a role in the biomagnification of mercury in aquatic systems? University of California Toxic Substance Research and Training Programs Annual Symposium. Poster. Santa Barbara, California.
Chandra S, MT Brett, and CR Goldman. February 1997. The effect of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) on Daphnia growth rate and reproduction. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Sante Fe, New Mexico
End of Table